It's been a while since the last post on this blog. We finished the parish hall and thought things were going to quiet down, but they didn't. In fact, between May 2009 and today there have been less than 6 months when NO construction or renovation was in progress on our building.
We'll be catching you up over then next few weeks on what has happened since the parish hall was finished at the end of July last year.
Last fall, the stone floor around the altar area was restored and the altar steps were cleaned and polished. New wood trim was added around the steps and new skirting boards were installed in the altar area.
We start with the "before" pictures. The floor in the area around the altar is constructed of large limestone slabs. Some of them have settled, leaving gaps around the edges. In the late 1920s or early 1930s, linoleum was installed over the stone. It was removed 15 or 20 years ago with inappropriate methods and tools, leaving the stone floor with gouges and residue of glue. The natural settling of the building left gaps at the points of intersection between walls, steps and floor. The choir area had an old, worn carpet runner installed.
The process of restoring the floor began with removing everything movable from the choir and from the area around the altar. The carpet was removed. The stones that had settled were lifted as much as possible without damaging the stone or disturbing the floor. The holes created by the nails holding the carpet in place were filled.
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