The first step toward transforming the basement of the parish hall into usable space was to clear out the junk. After 123 years, a building can accumulate some interesting things and St. Mary's was no exception.
Our renovation crew began by separating the stuff we would keep from the stuff that would go away. That took about three days. The keepers were put in storage, some things were given away and the remainder was recycled or trashed.
That left a clean, empty space to start work. Our renovation last fall had included extensive work on downstairs plumbing, fire protection and security apparatus. The work this winter was about making the space functional and attractive.
A new ceiling and lighting were first on the list. The room has a southern exposure that provides wonderful natural light that is not too harsh. Fresh, clean ceiling tiles and new light fixtures brightened the space further.
Storage is a perennial problem in this old building. We have a lot more "stuff" than the 1886 design of our building anticipated. An entire wall of cabinets gave would us a tidy solution to the problem of where to put it.
Here are pictures of these "works in progress."
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