The old parish hall restroom is a thing of the past. Nearly all evidence of its existence has been erased. The new one is up and running. It's not entirely complete, but it will be in the next day or so.
We were worried about the condition of the floor under the old rest room. It turns out to be in remarkably good shape, probably thanks to the 1930s era linoleum floor covering made of hemp and linseed oil. It was between the newest and oldest layers of flooring and seems to have acted as a protective seal against water leaks. A few small repairs and the floor is good to go. Plywood will be laid over it as it has been throughout the parish hall as a base for the new oak flooring.
Now that the old restroom has been demolished and the old stairway relocated, the room is dramatically more spacious and open in its appearance.
The building work group met last night and made a final selection of flooring and paint colors for the restrooms and a stain color for the parish hall floor. They have narrowed their selections of stain color for wainscoting and wall color for the parish hall and have selected additional samples to review.
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