The dust is flying now as the demolition crew remove the old plaster ceiling in the parish hall. A giant fan sits in the west doorway and blows dust outside. In the basement, the original wooden floor joists are being removed to make way for new reinforced concrete footings.
Removal of the old ceiling tiles and the framework that held them has revealed the original ornaments at the tops of the columns supporting the parish hall ceiling. Needless to say, we plan to keep these. They give us a hint about the greater level of formality that this room originally had.
Progress continues on removal of the old stairway. The walls along the sides of the steps have been removed, revealing our own "cupboard under the stairs." So far there's no sign of Harry Potter dwelling there.
The building work group meets tonight to talk about the discovery of original flooring and wainscoting and what might be done with those.
Hey. That's my old "office" under the stairs!